i Oppo launches six-camera Reno 3 Pro in pakistan The world’s first 44-megapixel selfie camera Oppo has announced the Reno 3 Pro, the latest entry in the ever-more-convoluted Reno series. It’s a mid-range model that’s altogether separate from the Reno 3 Pro 5G released in China in December; this model is launching in India first. The Reno 3 Pro feels slimmer and lighter than most of its peers, at 8.1mm thick and 175g. Otherwise, though, its design is pretty unremarkable — it’s yet another bezel-less Chinese phone with a gradient finish and cameras everywhere the eye can see. Oppo says the finishes are all meant to evoke the sky; the model you see above is the “Auroral Blue” version, supposedly inspired by the northern lights, while there are also “Midnight Black” and sunrise-pink-ish “Sky White” variants. The screen is a 6.4-inch 20:9 1080p OLED panel with an in-display fingerp...